Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Senior Thesis

Hello again!

Clarification of my last post - I realized sometime after writing that I might've sounded like I was bashing my Omnibus class or something. However, though I struggle with the reading sometimes, I do enjoy a lot of things about that class; I like discussions we have. I also enjoy writing (as you may have guessed!). And in that class, I get to write!

Speaking of which, I'm excited for my senior thesis paper. The dreaded thesis paper that Granite seniors have to write. Wow, those last two sentences were basically equivalent. Anyways, that mass assignment always seems to loom over everyone as thy approach their senior year. But we actually have a lot of freedom in it, and I'm looking forward to it!

We must to pick a controversial topic of our age and write an approximately 15-25 page paper, in which we decide a stance on some aspect of that topic and argue it. That instruction alone gives us lots of choices. It's not too hard to find an issue that means something to you. AN issue meaning enough that you might... actually... make it PAST the required page number? Perhaps! Besides that freedom, we can also do this paper in nearly limitless ways.

Personally, I am (right now, at least) planning to write a story about the foster care system. I'm hoping to incorporate photography into my story.

But that wasn't what I was actually planning to write about. I was going to write about the little kids that I love. But you know what? There are just too many of them for one post. So perhaps I'll begin that tomorrow!

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