Sunday, June 21, 2009


Hello there! So today I thought of a few things I just felt like sharing.

First - nursery was so awesome today :). There were two baby boys. They both have parent(s) who are our youth leaders, so it was extra-lovely to hold thm and play with them. 

Second... guess what CD I bought? That's right, the new Jonas Brothers one! ;). So far I've only listened to the first few songs. I'm not really sure what I think of it yet; I'll have to soak it up more first.

Third, my siblings and I are about to watch WALL-E... yay! I love this movie. I first saw it when it came out in theaters. I sat with Luke and Amelia and Eliana! It was great. It's sooo cute when WALL-E and EVE hold hands and stuff :). 

Today is also, as I hope you know, Father's Day! We're not doing much since my brother, sister, and mom are sick. I love my dad so much, I don't know what I'd do without him. If you feel the same way make sure you tell your Daddy! 

On another WALL-E note, as a I watch the opening scene: I sure hope the world doesn't end up like it starts out in this movies. But we shall see. Either way, God will take care of us. :)

1 comment:

  1. I always need to hear a CD or song several times before I really know what I think about it. Some of my favorite albums did not give good first impressions.

    Oh, and thanks for watching Paul today!
