Thursday, June 11, 2009


So. Taylor Swift. As I told you in my previous post, Taylor Swift had a concert tonight about a mile from my house. It was totally amazing!!! I thought I was going to sit in my driveway all night. But well.... I shall tell you what happened :D

Maggie and I conspired to have our friend Christine (and Elisabeth, but she didn't come until after) over because she is a fellow Taylor Swift fan. This year, Christine and I went through a phase of constantly Sharpie doodling Taylor Swift's lyrics of the Fearless album on notebook paper ;). So after our parents said it was okay, we hopped in the care with my dad. But before we went to get Christine, we drove down by the place where the concert was. We could hear her singing and talking even more loudly and clearly! Then we went to get Christine. Finally we got back to where the concert was. There were other girls just like us walking around on the sidewalk singing along. After driving around a short stretch of road about three times and listening to TAYLOR SWIFT sing LOVE STORY (!!!) and other songs, my dad decided to park! AHHHH!!!!!! It was so awesome! I'm so glad my dad is kind of a Taylor Swift fan too and that he let us have this unforgettable adventure :). We ended up going to the fence and "watching" we could see the stage... but not her ;). But we could see her on a live feed screen!!! After she sang "Change," we started back to the car. She sang a few more songs but that was a good finale :). So yeah... IT WAS SO AMAZING. Yay!!! :D

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention doodling in my Chemistry text...Christine! But that wasn't Taylor Swift lyrics.
