Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Silly Basketball Camp Gals :)

I just realized it's the last day of June! Oh, June. June is the month of weddings, because everyone wants to be a June bride, after all ;). June is such a nice month; it's when summer truly comes.

This week, Monday through Thursday, our church is having a basketball camp. Hannah and I are coaching a team of about 8 girls who are going into 3rd and 4th grade. Today was less hectic than the first day, when the teams were still being settled. (Some girls switched because of people they knew on other teams... hence, I cannot remember how many are on my team!) They're really sweet though. In doing this I've realized that because I've done camp, babysitting, and etc. with kids, being with them is coming a lot more naturally now. It's strange how much younger they seem, since I actually am (I suppose?) getting older! Older than 3rd graders, oh my ;). Today I felt that and was laughing because of what they asked me...

I was sitting on the side of our game/scrimmage with whichever girls were sitting out for a period of the game. We always basically rotate as evenly as we can. I'm not exactly sure who started it, but they were playing with my hair... and it was sooo cute :). They were saying things like, "Your hair is smooth" and "Ooh it smells good!" followed by I think whoever was currently messing with my hair smelling it! Hahaha. I must laugh at that idea. It was so sweet, and quite amusing! Oh, and have you heard the rumors that at camp the girls will go through your stuff and ask you whether or not you have a boyfriend? Well, at the overnight camp I volunteer with, that's never really come up. But while they were doing my hair, they asked whether I had either boyfriend or tattoo! Noooo. I don't. I didn't elaborate on the boyfriend question, but I told them that while some people have tattoos and that's fine, I wouldn't get one. One of them told me her mom said they were "gross," if my memory serves correctly. This fun time reminded me of one downside of day camp: there's not the limitless time in which you can have normal conversations with your girls. But today was fun, and I think we had a nice girl bonding time :). 

1 comment:

  1. hehe, you should've said you have like 13 tattoos-one for each month and then one's that's your boyfriend's face ;)
