Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Reply All" Emails: Good to bad...really fast.

Today I've been cleaning my room. And yesterday.... and the day before! But it looks very much more clean than usual. Which is great! I've been kinda sleepy because I keep staying upa bit too late; note to self: tsk, tsk, go to bed earlier. Heh heh, anyways.... I'm not exactly sure why I haven't written in serval days, maybe the unwise bedtimes, but either way... I am now. Okay! Well. I am going to make a list! Of what? Well I'll decide once I start writing it. 

1. I found LOTS of bobby pins in my room. Haha... pretty ironic because I could hardly find any when I needed them for ballet a few weeks ago.
2. My sister gives away old stuff WAY more easily than I do. I'm always saying or thinking... do you really want to get rid of that? Half the time I end up rescuing her give-aways. Well, not half the time. But occasionally. 
3. I have a lot of scarves in my closet. I'm putting them in my plastic box downstairs. 
4. Oh! Not really in the theme of this list... but for some reason I have bought and listened incessantly "Don't Forget" by Demi Lovato. Which reminds me.........

One guy sent an email to a bunch of his friends asking them to suggest songs; he wanted to make a long collaborative playlist. It started off slowly enough, people suggecting songs. But as most emails sent to many people usually do (at least in my circle of.... people), it turned into a huge conversation... debate... arguement... fight, completely with and insults abbreviated cussing. I read the whole thing more or less. Finally some people started trying to hold down the fort. Then the guy who started the email told them to stop responding and end the conversation. I think it's basically over now... but the exchange was quite something. Now, if you're reading this, yes, I am fully aware that you might've been on this list ;). But that's fine, we can both continue on, me writing and you reading, of course. Anyways, I was really surprised at what some people said on this email. I understand that some people enjoy arguing more than others, and that's totally fine. But considering that this email chain could be summarized as [Jonas Brothers and etc.] vs. [Indie artists and etc.], I think everyone should've drawn a line before they let themselves go so far. That being said, if you were someone arguing on the email, I'm not writing this to accuse you, and I doub't I'll be any different toward you than before, we're all still friends, that's why we were on the email in the firsts place :). But at the same time... reading what some people said was saying was an eye-opener for me. Anywho, reply-all emails are inevitable, and I'd advise anyone to be sure they're following the standard that many of us claim to strive for: 

1 Thessalonians 5:11a: "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

Phillipeans 4:8: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent of praiseworthy - think about such things."

Proverbs 10:19: "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise."

As I often do, I have to finish up this entry saying that I don't want to write this saying I'm better than anyone. I usually feel hypocritical writing entries like this and yes, I often forget to practice what I preach. But if you are encouraged or convicted or even God uses something I say later for you... then I'm very glad. I want to show you my views as a Christian in this world. Hopefully I am glorifying Him. And thanks if you read my posts ;)

Another lowly sinner who is saved by God's amazing grace (YAY!!!),
Lindsay Anne :D

POST SCRIPT!!!! I just found our two AWESOME things: first, one my my friends got a blog! check it out :)  ~
ALSO, someone is proposing to someone tomorrow....!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. "I've been kinda sleepy because I keep staying up a bit too late; note to self: tsk, tsk, go to bed earlier. Heh heh, anyways.... I'm not exactly sure why I haven't written in serval days, maybe the unwise bedtimes, but either way..."

    speaking of bedtimes...

    ha! now i feel proud of myself for actually commenting on one of your blog posts even though i've been reading them for a while...
    Your posts are great btw, chock full of good stuff.

