Monday, May 4, 2009

Enjoy a Monday???

Monday, Monday.....can't trust that day. So goes a choir song we are currently learning ;).

Today is Monday. From what I gather from inside my bedroom with the blinds still closed is that is cold... very wet... and quite windy.

But today... let's have a good day! :)

1 Thessalonians 5:18. "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

We may be reminded of this verse when we are suffering from bigger pain or loss (and if you are, heed this verse :) ). But if you're like me and you're just not sure whether you will have a good attitude on this dreary day, I challenge you!

Some ideas for why today can be a good day (as well as giving thanks in all circumstances!):
~Monday is a good day to talk on the phone with friends in the evening.
~Monday begins a new let's get a lot of work done today and not next Sunday evening!
~Monday, for me, is choir day. Even if you don't like what your Monday usually holds, what's your favorite part of it? I know you have one :)
~And then there are the MULTITUDE of simple reasons - which we realized when we "count our blessings" so to speak. 

I would greatly appreciate your comments on this post - why do you personally dislike Mondays? How can you personally enjoy Mondays and give thanks? What's your favorite part of Monday?


  1. personally I dislike mondays because they involve waking up. My favorite part of mondays is consuming large amounts of caffeine :)

  2. Well, on mondays my WAP (World AP) teacher makes a point to wish us a happy monday.
